Faculty and Staff Training

Case Debrief

A case debrief is a specially tailored session to discuss a case or incident that occurred in your classroom or department to cordially discuss the facts, process, and decisions.  This is recommended if you have questions or concerns related to a specific matter handled by our office.

Conduct 101

Conduct 101 provides a general overview of the services of our office and the laws and policies that govern our work.  We go into the conduct, CARE, and threat assessment processes.  This is recommended to orient your department with our services and reporting mechanisms and set expectations regarding our processes.

Dealing with Disruptive, Disturbing or Dangerous Students

This is a session focused on guidance for faculty who may encounter challenging situations in the classroom environment. We look at behaviors that would be identified as disruptive, or disturbing and/or dangerous. We then address best guidance on how to respond to these cases.


Advisors and Student Interactions: Guidance on Handling Difficult Student Dynamics

This is a session focused on guidance for academic advisors who have unique relationships with students. We look at behaviors that would be identifies as disruptive, or disturbing and/or dangerous in an advisement setting. We then address best guidance on how to response to these cases.